Self: Status: draft Version: 0.1 My Scuba Diving experience in Raja Ampat.. .. and how I couldn’t resist coding a Ruby on Rails scooby app Add these two awesome videos In October ‘22, my โค๏ธ wife allowed me to go scuba diving by myself in Raja Ampat, consider the paradise for divers.A beautiful and rare animal who could be extinct in a few decades, and beside him a beautiful sea turtle inSauwandarek village

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Since I was a kiddo, I thouroughly sucked at sport. Then, one day, something changed. 2010: My first Marathon I moved to Ireland, where you need to drink 14-15 pints a week to keep training and I started getting weight. It was 2008, I was still young and 32. But Gino was growing. The gym wasn’t, enough, I decided I would do the most incredible thing in my life: I’d run a full Marathon.

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This article shows how you can easily inject a generic key/value into Google Cloud Monitoring and set up alerts on it. I use it to alert on disk space, and now also low battery!

This morning I was in London, and I forgot my charger at home. With plenty of time but ๐Ÿชซ little battery, I thought: hey! I need to have a way to predict when my battery is low! And I need to do it in a totally overkill way!

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The Original article here: TODO(7feb23): add this video as embedded: (created on 6feb23) A couple of weeks ago, I fell in love with Pulumi. it has everything I wanted from Terraform: easy to set up, easy config management, a nice UI for free, and most importantlyโ€ฆ language Support! Pulumi is the best invention after Buffalo Pizza and has only a problem.. no Ruby support :/ Anyway, Iโ€™m so in love with โฌฃ GCP (which happens to pay my salary, I got to admit), Cloud Build, Cloud Deploy, and in general CI/CD pipelines on Google Cloud that I wanted to give it a try.

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TODO embed local video: 2023-02-03 Capriola as a Service.mp4 Silly video with my kid (so silly, but they get lots of positive votes) Book I’ve also started writing a Book of maths a few years back, when in Calabria with no internet, and I just wanted to dump memoery and ideas in a LateX document, and here’s the output: My book on github: palladius/libromate Mathematical Analysis in LaTEX: Numbers, Derivation/Limits/Integrals, Taylor, the usual stuff, but in Italian, sorry)

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I’ve made a few video on Maths ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง Math in pills (English) ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡น Math pillole (Italian) ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡น LibroMate (la matematica secondo Carlesso) (Italian) Silly video with my kid (so silly, but they get lots of positive votes) Book I’ve also started writing a Book of maths a few years back, when in Calabria with no internet, and I just wanted to dump memoery and ideas in a LateX document, and here’s the output:

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Riccardo ๐Ÿ’› C

Hugo TranquilPeak Loves Ruby ๐Ÿ’Ž

GCP Developer Advocate

Switzerland ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ญ