Note: This was created with Gemini. Prompt: Write an opening scene for a fantasy fiction novel set in a steampunk 18th century. Be descriptive and historically accurate. Avoid anachronism. The scene should involve Sebastian, a veryyoung tram driver in Zurich on a quest to understand the nature of knowledge and learning. Write in the style of Douglas Adams. Build mystery throughout the scene and end with an unexpected revelation. Write in Italian.

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Note: This was created with Gemini. Scena di apertura: Sebastian e il Tram Misterioso (Ispirazione Steampunk/Adams) Il tintinnio del campanello del tram squarciΓ² la bruma del mattino zurighese. Non era la solita nebbia, no. Era la nebbia dell’autunno del 1783, densa, quasi solida. Sebastian, il tranviere dall’irriverente ciuffo color carota, strizzΓ² gli occhi contro il grigiore, cercando di scorgere i binari. I suoi quattordici anni si sentivano tutti in quei momenti, un ammasso di sogni impossibili e la paura tremenda di deragliare per un sasso fuori posto.

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I tried many modules this weekend. Note that different themes have different words and key/vals in the above stanza so I better not confuse them. For instance, this page has a featured_image which only works with Ananke, and a image which probably works with other themes. What I’ve tried so far: Symlinking across all pages. so far only tried one - definitely golang won’t notice the changed symlinked file. Notice that STACK is currently in a DIFFEERENT place.

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img /img/2022-10-19-riccardo-tartaruga.jpg math Equations For inline math we can wrap text in $ like so: $f(k) = {n \choose k} p^{k} (1-p)^{n-k}$ which looks like this in the Markdown file: $f(k) = {n \choose k} p^{k} (1-p)^{n-k}$ Or for a equation block we can use double $$: $$f(k) = {n \choose k} p^{k} (1-p)^{n-k}$$ which looks like this in the source: $$f(k) = {n \choose k} p^{k} (1-p)^{n-k}$$ Here are some Greek letters:

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Self: Status: draft Version: 0.1 Note: this is a [GDoc export]. My Scuba Diving experience in Raja Ampat.. .. and how I couldn’t resist coding a Ruby on Rails scooby app In October ‘22, my ❀️ wife allowed me to go scuba diving by myself in Raja Ampat, consider the paradise for divers.A beautiful and rare animal who could be extinct in a few decades, and beside him a beautiful sea turtle inSauwandarek village

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Riccardo πŸ’› C

Hugo TranquilPeak Loves Ruby πŸ’Ž

GCP Developer Advocate

Switzerland πŸ‡¨πŸ‡­